2 Chapter. Formation of Companies

1 § Ett aktiebolag bildas av en eller flera stiftare. A founder must be
1. a natural person resident within the European Economic Area,
2. a Swedish legal entity, or
3. a legal entity formed under the laws of a state within the European Economic Area which has its headquarters, central administration or principal place of business in this area.
Handelsbolag eller motsvarande juridiska personer som har bildats enligt lagstiftningen i en stat inom Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet får vara stiftare endast om varje obegränsat ansvarig bolagsman är bosatt inom detta område.
Bolagsverket kan för ett särskilt fall tillåta annan än den som har angetts i första och andra styckena att vara stiftare.

2 § Den som är underårig eller i konkurs eller som har förvaltare enligt 11 Chapter. 7 § Parental Code can not be founders. The same goes for those who have business operations resulting from 6 § Law (1986:436) the Trading.

Actions to be taken for incorporation
3 § Vid bolagsbildningen skall följande åtgärder vidtas:
1. The founder members shall draw up a draft of a memorandum under the provisions of 5-10 §§.
2. One or more of the founders shall subscribe for shares of the Company under the provisions of 12 §.
3. The shares shall be paid in accordance with 15-19 §§.
4. The founders shall finalize, date and sign the memorandum.
5. The Board shall notify the company for registration under the provisions of 22 and 23 §§.

When the company is considered formed
4 § Bolaget anses bildat när stiftelseurkunden har undertecknats av samtliga stiftare.
By 24 and 25 § § shows that the question of incorporation falls for registration is made within certain time and that the company gets the right to act only with the registration of the company.

Stiftelse documents

Content of articles
5 § I stiftelseurkunden skall stiftarna ange
1. how much should be paid for each share (subscription price), and
2. full name, number or, failing, date of birth and address of the board and auditors and, where appropriate, deputy, deputy auditor and lay auditor. If the auditor is a registered public accounting firm, to its stated corporate.
I förekommande fall skall det även anges om
1. one shares may be subscribed for with the right or the obligation to pay the share of property other than cash,
2. one shares may be subscribed for with the right or obligation of the Company to take over the property of any consideration other than shares,
3. one shares may be subscribed for by other conditions,
4. Company shall reimburse the company was formed, and
5. no any other way to have special rights or benefits of the Company.
En sådan bestämmelse som avses i andra stycket skall återges i sin helhet i stiftelseurkunden.
The subscription price of the first paragraph 1 must not be less than the quotient value. The quota value is then calculated on the basis of association information on share capital and number of shares. If the articles of association provide for a minimum and maximum capital and a minimum and maximum number of shares, the calculation shall be made by the highest stated capital is divided by the maximum number of shares or the minimum stated share capital with the minimum number of shares. Create (2007:317).
6 § Endast egendom som är eller kan antas bli till nytta för bolagets verksamhet kan utgöra sådan egendom som avses i 5 § second paragraph 1 and 2 (kind). In kind may not be comparable undertaking to perform work or provide services. The value of contributions in kind may not be set higher than the actual value of the company.

7 § Stiftelseurkunden skall innehålla en redogörelse för de omständigheter som kan vara av betydelse för bedömningen av de bestämmelser som avses i 5 § second paragraph and the assessment of the value of cash. The account must show how the value of such consideration has been determined and the legal and economic considerations taken into account in the valuation. The following information must be disclosed separately:
1. name, person- or corporate resident regarding the meaning of a provision,
2. the value of such consideration is expected to be taken up to the balance sheet, and
3. number of shares or other consideration to be provided for such consideration.

8 § Stiftelseurkunden skall innehålla uppgift om det högsta beräknade beloppet av de kostnader för bolagets bildande som enligt stiftelseurkunden skall betalas av bolaget. If there arise other costs for its formation than the general fees and customary costs of establishing the constitution and similar work, needs to be an indication of costs not provided.
In the case of public limited companies apply 28 §.

9 § Om ett skriftligt avtal har upprättats rörande en sådan bestämmelse som avses i 5 § second paragraph, the contract or a copy of the Agreement is attached to the memorandum or the memorandum be made to the contract stating it was available for the subscribers. The content of an oral agreement shall be fully addressed in the memorandum.
När en rörelse tillskjuts eller övertas, to what is stated in the first paragraph of written agreements apply balance- and income statements for the movement during the movement last two financial years. The memorandum of association shall be an indication of operating performance in the period thereafter. To balance- and income statements are not prepared for the movement, be it in the memorandum submitted an indication of operating performance during the said financial years.

10 § Stiftelseurkunden skall innehålla en bolagsordning. Provisions on the association's content is available in 3 Chapter.

The effect of non-cash provisions mM. was reported incorrectly
11 § Om 5 § third paragraph or 7 or 9 § has not been observed in respect of a particular provision in the memorandum, the provision is of no effect against the company.


The shares shall be subscribed
12 § Aktieteckning skall ske i stiftelseurkunden. A subscription that has been done in other ways can be invoked only if the company is registered without the subscriber has previously notified the fault of the Issue.
Aktieteckningen blir bindande för aktietecknaren när stiftelseurkunden har undertecknats av samtliga stiftare.

The effects of the shares have been subscribed with abnormal conditions
13 § Om en aktie har tecknats med villkor som inte stämmer överens med stiftelseurkunden, the subscriber can not invoke the condition.

The effects of the conditions for the subscription of shares have not been met
14 § Efter bolagets registrering kan en aktietecknare inte som grund för att aktieteckningen är ogiltig åberopa att ett villkor i stiftelseurkunden inte har uppfyllts.

Payment of shares

What minimum payable for a share
15 § Betalningen för en aktie får inte understiga aktiens kvotvärde. The quota value is then calculated in the manner set out in 5 § fourth paragraph.
If a stock has been subscribed with the conditions contrary to the first paragraph, shall be an amount equal to the quotient value still be paid. Create (2007:317).

The shares shall be paid
16 § Aktierna skall betalas i pengar eller, a provision on this in the memorandum, in kind.

Payment in cash
17 § Betalning i pengar skall ske genom insättning på ett särskilt konto som stiftarna har öppnat för ändamålet hos en bank, a credit market enterprise or an equivalent foreign credit institutions in a state of the European Economic Area. Amounts have been deposited in the account may be lifted only when the full amount to be paid in cash has been deposited into the account and the memorandum signed by all founders.

Payment in kind
18 § Betalning med apportegendom skall ske genom att apportegendomen avskiljs för att ingå i bolagets egendom.
19 § Om aktierna betalas med apportegendom eller om bolaget enligt villkor i stiftelseurkunden skall fullgöra förpliktelser efter bildandet, be an accountant provide a written, signed opinion on the payment. The statement shall state that
1. any kind has been added to the company,
2. contribution in kind is or likely to be beneficial to the company's operations, and
3. such consideration is not in the memorandum has been raised to a higher value than the fair value for the company.
I yttrandet skall revisorn beskriva apportegendomen och ange vilken metod som har använts vid värderingen. Hardship to estimate the value of the property should be noted. This opinion will also be clear that the obligations which the Company on terms in the memorandum shall serve after the formation has been recognized and valued in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
An auditor referred to in the first subparagraph shall be an authorized or approved public accountant or a registered public accounting firm.

Payment action against the subscriber's creditors
20 § Betalning som har erlagts på det sätt som anges i 17 or 18 § will be reserved for the company to share the subscriber's creditors when the memorandum was signed by all founders.

Offsetting mM.
21 § En skuld på grund av aktieteckning får inte kvittas mot en fordran hos bolaget.
Överlåts en aktie som ännu inte är fullt betald, is the acquirer, As soon as he or she has registered for entry in share register, responsible for payment along with the transferor.

Registration of the company

Registration Information
22 § Styrelsen skall inom sex månader från stiftelseurkundens undertecknande anmäla bolaget för registrering i aktiebolagsregistret.

Requirements for registration
23 § Bolaget får registreras endast om
1. sum of the amounts of 5 § fourth paragraph minimum payable for the shares subscribed (Company's share capital) corresponds to the share capital in the statutes or at least the minimum capital,
2. full and satisfactory payment has been made for all subscribed shares,
3. presentation of a certificate from a credit institution as referred to in 17 § concerning the payment of money,
4. an audit opinion under 19 § presented regarding such kind and such obligations of the Company set out in the memorandum, and
5. incorporation also otherwise have been made in accordance with this Act and other statutes.

The effect of registration is not done
24 § Frågan om bolagsbildningen faller, to
1. any notification of registration of the company is not made within the prescribed time, or
2. SCRO by a decision that has become final has entered a case for such registration or refused registration.
Om frågan om bolagets bildande har fallit eller om aktieteckningen av annat skäl inte är bindande, the amounts paid for the shares and accrued income, less costs because of action under 25 § tredje opinions, immediately repaid. The same applies in the case of cash. The founders and, from the time when all the founder members have signed the memorandum, Directors jointly and severally liable for repayment.

Acts that have been made prior to its registration
25 § Innan bolaget har registrerats, it can not acquire rights or assume obligations. Nor can it be brought before a court or other authority. The Board may at its expense take action in cases involving the formation of the company and take other steps to recover the amount subscribed for shares or other promised supplements.

26 § Uppkommer en förpliktelse genom någon åtgärd som vidtas i bolagets namn före registreringen, answer those who have participated in the action or decision of the joint and several liability for. Once the company is registered, , the responsibility of the company, the obligation resulting from the constitution or have come to after the company was formed.

27 § Om det har slutits avtal för bolaget före registreringen gäller följande. A contractor who did not know that the company was not registered, can withdraw from the contract until the company has been registered. A contractor who knew that the company was not registered,, unless otherwise agreed, withdraw from the contract only if the question of incorporation of the company have fallen under 24 §.

Special provisions applicable to public limited

Data in the memorandum of costs of incorporation
28 § När ett publikt aktiebolag bildas, memorandum should include any costs for the Company's formation.

Deferred report
29 § Om ett publikt aktiebolag inom två år från registreringen i aktiebolagsregistret träffar avtal med en stiftare eller en aktieägare, whereby the company acquires property for a consideration equal to at least one tenth of the share capital, the Board shall, within six months submit to the General Meeting the contract for approval. It does not apply if the acquisition takes place on a regulated market or an equivalent market outside the European Economic Area or as part of the company's ongoing business operations. Create (2007:566).

30 § Följande handlingar skall fogas till styrelsens förslag om godkännande av ett sådant avtal som avses i 29 §:
1. a statement, signed by the Board, of the circumstances that may be relevant to an assessment of the value of the property and the agreement is otherwise, prepared in accordance with 7 and 9 §§,
2. an opinion, signed by an authorized or approved public accountant or a registered firm, of the statement of 1, with such information referred to in 19 §.
Avtalet skall tillsammans med styrelsens redogörelse och revisorns yttrande hållas tillgängligt hos bolaget för aktieägarna under minst en vecka före den bolagsstämma där beslutet skall fattas.

31 § Bolagsstämmans beslut att godkänna ett sådant avtal som avses i 29 § shall forthwith be submitted for registration in the companies register.

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