12 Chapter. Fondemission

The meaning of the bonus issue
1 § Vid fondemission ökas aktiekapitalet genom att
1. amounts transferred from the reserve fund, revaluation reserve or restricted equity according to the latest adopted balance sheet, or
2. the value of a fixed asset is written up.
Vid beräkning av utrymmet för fondemission enligt första stycket 1 the amendment to the restricted equity and value transfers that have occurred after balance sheet date.
En fondemission kan ske med eller utan utgivande av nya aktier.

Of bonus shares
2 § Vid fondemission där nya aktier ges ut har aktieägarna rätt till dessa i förhållande till det antal aktier de förut äger, subject of the second or third paragraph.
Om bolaget har aktier av olika slag som skiljer sig åt i fråga om rätt till andel i bolagets tillgångar eller vinst, shareholders have the right to new shares in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of 4 Chapter. 4 §.
Om bolaget har aktier av olika slag utan sådan åtskillnad mellan aktieslagen som anges i andra stycket och de nya aktierna skall vara av samma slag som de befintliga aktierna, the new shares issued in relation to the number of shares of the same class already held. In doing so, the old shares give the right to new shares of the same class in proportion to their share in the share capital.
What a bonus issue decided

The draft decision
3 § Om bolagsstämman skall pröva en fråga om fondemission, the Board or, on the proposal brought by someone else, proposer of a proposal for decision under the provisions of 4-7 §§.

4 § I förslaget till beslut om fondemission skall följande anges:
1. the amount of the share capital shall be increased by,
2. of new shares to be issued in connection with the share capital increase, and
3. the extent to which the amount of the share capital shall be increased shall be added to the share capital
a. from unrestricted equity,
b. from the reserve fund,
c. the revaluation reserve, or
d. through appreciation of the value of a fixed asset.

5 § Om nya aktier skall ges ut i samband med fondemissionen, the draft decision on the bonus issue also specify
1. how many new shares each old share shall give right to,
2. the date from which the new shares shall give right to dividend, and
3. The new class share, if the Company is or may be issued shares of different classes.

6 § I förekommande fall skall förslaget till beslut om fondemission också innehålla uppgift om
1. whether the subject under 4 Chapter. 6, 8, 18 or 27 § or 20 Chapter. 31 § applying to existing shares in the company shall also apply to the new shares,
2. the coupons belonging to the share certificates to be used as bonus share right evidence,
3. the excess bonus share rights will be sold under 11 Chapter. 9 §, and
4. the record date, if the Company is the record companies.
Avstämningsdagen får inte bestämmas så att den infaller innan beslutet om fondemission har registrerats.
If the issue decision requires amendment of the Articles of Association, shall also be indicated in the proposal.

Supplementary information
7 § If the annual report is not to be considered at the Annual General Meeting, the following documents shall be annexed to the proposal as 3 §:
1. a copy of the annual report contains the most recently adopted balance- and income statements, equipped with a notation with a decision on the profit or loss,
2. a copy of the audit report for the year in the annual report relates,
3. a statement, signed by the Board, of significant events for the company's financial position which has occurred since the annual report was submitted, still
4. an opinion on the report referred to in 3, signed by the auditors.

Provision of draft decisions mM.
8 § Styrelsen skall hålla förslaget till beslut om fondemission, where appropriate, together with documents referred to in 7 §, available to the shareholders at least two weeks prior to the general meeting which shall examine the proposal. Copies of the documents shall immediately and without cost to the recipient sent to those shareholders who so request and state their address.
The documents must be presented at the meeting.

The general meeting
9 § Ett beslut om fondemission skall innehålla de uppgifter som framgår av 4 §, 5 § and 6 § first paragraph.
Registration of the issue resolution

10 § Beslutet om fondemission skall genast anmälas för registrering i aktiebolagsregistret. The share capital is increased when the decision has been registered.
Efter registreringen skall nya aktier genast föras in i aktieboken.
I avstämningsbolag skall anmälan genast göras till den centrala värdepappersförvararen om att emissionen har registrerats.

Sales of Fund shares
11 § Om något behörigt anspråk på en fondaktie inte har framställts inom fem år från registreringen av emissionsbeslutet, Board may sell the shares under the provisions of 12 and 13 §§.

12 § Styrelsen skall uppmana den som har rätt till en fondaktie att ta ut den inom ett år. The justified shall be notified that he or she would otherwise lose share. The call can not be made until the time specified in 11 § has expired.
Styrelsen skall anses ha uppfyllt sin skyldighet enligt första stycket om uppmaningen har skickats till den berättigades postadress med rekommenderat brev. If the beneficiary of address is known to the Company, the company shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation, if the call has been published in
1. Post- and Gazette, and
2. the person or local newspapers – or, in public companies, the national newspaper – determined by the Board.

13 § Om det inte har kommit in någon anmälan inom ett år från uppmaningen enligt 12 §, shares may be sold by a securities firm. Anyone who shows up a share certificate or leaving one bonus share rights certificates or otherwise establish his right, should get their share of the sale proceeds, after deduction of the cost of the call and the sale. Amounts that have not been raised within four years from the sale to the company.

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